Chesterfield '˜hero' helped save suicidal man who threatened to jump off bridge

Mick Rosato on the Brewery Street bridge in Chesterfield.Mick Rosato on the Brewery Street bridge in Chesterfield.
Mick Rosato on the Brewery Street bridge in Chesterfield.
A bus driver has been hailed a hero for helping to save the life of a suicidal man.

Mick Rosato was returning home after a shopping trip on Saturday morning when he spotted a man on the other side of the railings on the Brewery Street bridge in Chesterfield.

The 50-year-old went up to the man and spent about ten minutes talking to him before he eventually ended his suicide attempt.

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Mr Rosato, of Wain Avenue, Chesterfield, said: “The man was aged between 25 and 40 and very depressed – I could see he’d been self-harming.

“I asked him what was up and he said his family had turned against him, he was homeless and he had no money.

“I urged him not to take his own life and told him that help was available – I’ve suffered from mental health problems so I know all about that – then asked him to come on to the pavement.

“He said OK and did exactly that. I was so relieved.”

Mr Rosato added: “I’d like to think that if I was in that awful position then someone would stop and help me.”

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Emergency services were called to the bridge over the A61 bypass at about 11.25am and took the man to hospital.

A Derbyshire police spokesman said: “Mr Rosato’s selflessness and quick-thinking helped to bring the man safely away from the bridge, where he was then spoken with by officers.

“It’s important that people don’t put themselves at any risk if they see someone in such a situation and we would always urge caution.

“However, when people see someone in need of help, they often put that person first and Mr Rosato’s actions demonstrate just that.”

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Mr Rosato does not know the man who threatened to kill himself but had this message for him if he reads this report: “I’d like to say I hope you get the help you need and get better soon, my friend.”

Mr Rosato’s brother Joe said: “Mick’s a hero.”

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