Trains between Matlock and Derby to be replaced by buses during March Sundays

East Midlands Trains.East Midlands Trains.
East Midlands Trains.
Passengers travelling between Derby and Matlock by train will have to use replacement buses each Sunday throughout March.

Essential engineering works will be taking place on Sunday March 6, 13, 20 and 27.

The work being carried out by Network Rail includes refurbishment of a viaduct over the River Derwent north of Belper, and refurbishment/renewal of the switch and crossing equipment at Ambergate Junction.

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Posters are on display at all the stations on the route, which includes Matlock, Matlock Bath, Cromford, Ambergate and Belper.

The posters will also include a full timetable and a map showing where the replacement bus services will drop off and pick up customers.

East Midlands Trains has also arranged for a dedicated bus co-ordinator to be on each bus, who will be able to provide advice and information on where to get off for the various tourist attractions on the route.

Jason Cocker, Area Station Manager for East Midlands Trains, said: “We know that our customers would always prefer to travel on a train rather than a replacement bus, but the work being undertaken by Network Rail means that we will not be able to run trains on Sundays during March.

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“We do want to make it as easy as possible for people to keep travelling with us, so we’ve listened to customer feedback and have arranged for extra information to be at our stations and on our website, which easily identifies where people can catch the bus and at what time.

“We’d advise any customers planning to travel on Sunday 6, 13, 20 or 27 March to check on our website or at one of our stations for more information.”

For more information visit or follow @EMTrains on Twitter.