You may have to pay more money for policing in Derbyshire

Would you be willing to pay more for policing in Derbyshire?Would you be willing to pay more for policing in Derbyshire?
Would you be willing to pay more for policing in Derbyshire?
Derbyshire's Police and Crime Commissioner Hardyal Dhindsa is asking residents whether they would be willing to pay £1 a month extra for policing.

In Derbyshire, this would see householders pay £12 extra a year on the policing proportion of the council tax bill in 2018-19 - an additional £1 a month or 23p per week.

It would net the force an extra £4.5million each year and is equivalent to the costs of employing around 100 police officers.

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Before making any decision, Mr Dhindsa is consulting the public to gauge the level of support for an increase and has launched this online survey.

He said: "The threats facing modern society are different to what they were a decade ago.

"Policing must stay one step ahead and this means investing in the right people and technology to counter the risks.

"We cannot spread our resources any thinner than we are already without compromising public safety and losing our ability to respond effectively when people need us.

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"Increasing council tax is never an easy choice but with no alternative source of income to plug the gap it's vital for the long-term safety of our county."